Our River | Our Land | Our Future
Flowing 122 miles from the Yosemite wilderness to the inlet of Lake McClure, the Merced Wild and Scenic River and its watershed encompass some of the most unique landscapes in the Sierra Nevada.
Our mission is to protect and enhance the Merced Wild and Scenic River and its watershed through education, stewardship, and community-based projects.
Upcoming Events
Explore Our Work
Our organization is undergoing exciting changes and revival thanks to new funding opportunities and an activated team of board members, partners, and volunteers. See what we are doing along the watershed and what projects are in action now.
Protecting the Watershed
Despite its diverse offerings and rich ecological, cultural and historic value, the Merced River and its Wild and Scenic status still face threats today. Help us protect this vital watershed: Volunteer or donate today.
Get to know the river
Learn more about this watershed, from its most recognized, iconic viewsheds in Yosemite Valley to its furthest wilderness reaches.

Find Resources & Information
We house up-to-date and verified educational information, maps, documents, policies and plans for the Merced River. Explore collections, find information, or contribute content.
When we save a river, we save a major part of an ecosystem, and we save ourselves as well because of our dependence—physical, economic, spiritual—on the water and its community of life.
— Tim Palmer, The Wild and Scenic Rivers of America
Our work is growing, and connecting with our community is more important now than ever.
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