Scholarship Program
Holly Warner Memorial Watershed Steward Scholarship
Holly Warner’s nephew Nick Warner presents the 2024 scholarship award to MCHS graduating senior, Finn Westerlund. Finn grew up in the Merced River watershed were they were inspired to start a naturalist club for other fellow self-described “nature nerds…because I believe that familiarity and exploration will lead to a greater effort to protect the natural world…I (also) decided to start the school’s first pollinator garden, researching plants that support the insects and birds so vital to the health of our community’s ecosystem.” Finn plans to study mycology (mushrooms/fungi) at the yet-to-be-determined college/university of their choice. Best of luck, FINN!
(Also pictured left to right, board members Kristina Rylands, Molly Stephens, and Margarita King.)
The Upper Merced River Watershed Council is honored to offer the Holly Warner Memorial Watershed Steward Scholarship in the amount of $500. This scholarship is awarded to a Mariposa County High School senior interested in pursuing study inspired by their experiences along the Merced River and within its watershed.
A steward is one who leads with care, conviction, and a sense of deep responsibility. Holly Warner was the dedicated co-founder of our organization, whose leadership, collaborative spirit, and personal connection to protecting the Merced River and its watershed inspired our entire community. It is this passion that resonates within the mission of our organization and all we do. Holly passed away at the end of 2022, and this scholarship was established in her honor in the hopes of inspiring the next generation of river and watershed stewards.
Interested MCHS students should check in with the counseling office for an application and deadline information. Check out the scholarship guidelines to learn more about application requirements.
Check out Finn’s short film introducing themselves and how to support a healthy watershed!